Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I've Lost The Words

For ...

A sense of numbness
Palpable happiness
Knotted stomach
Impending difficult choices
Difficult decisions
Heart breaking helplessness
Lightheaded happiness

...Somehow words just don’t come easy.

Words - The way we are accustomed to expressing ourselves. And somehow, with distances and a shrinking world, the ability to communicate verbally often takes over. How else do you tell friends at a distance of a 2-4 hour flight how you felt when you think you met that special someone. How else do you communicate how confusing it is to register that perhaps – just perhaps – he/she is just not into you despite how badly you want him to be. How do you communicate the helplessness of a relationship gone wrong? How do you explain the small happiness of the first rain? How do you communicate the anxieties of change, the excitement of change? How do you ensure that those close to you continue to be tuned into your life? How do you hold on – without the words?

Ironically, it is on precisely those occasions that you perhaps need to reach out and need those words – that the words are just insufficient. You lose the words. I am still trying to figure out why. Why is it that something feels like a knot – good or bad and like it needs to be unleashed? I am beginning to think that we find the words when we are ready to accept the emotions – the power that they have and most importantly, we find them only when we are ready to deal with it and all that “it” implies.

Feelings are palpable – but only to the person who is going through the emotions. A thesaurus is not the answer to all emotions. That weight, that lightness, that happy chocking, that feeling of being overwhelmed, the knot in the stomach, that feeling of dread in the gut, that anxiety of the future. As explicable as all the above are, somehow, the words don’t quite capture it. Which is why you often find yourself saying “if you know what I mean”, “you get it right”, “you know right, what I am trying to get at”. But the great part is that for people who really “get” you, they don’t need those words. Sometimes, the way you say “hello” is enough to give a crystal clear impression of what you are feeling at that moment. Somehow, with those who matter, words are really unnecessary. Facts are unnecessary – all you need is to give a skeletal overview, and there is always that friend who will smile (and you can sense that smile) and will say “chill, take your time, I understand and am right here whenever you read”. And you know every word in the above is true.

That is my source of comfort. That is my source of sanity. When I have so much to say, when I know there is so much in my head that its numb, when what I have is a mixed bag of emotions – and I don’t want to sort it out. All I need to do is make a call and I know there are people at the other end who will say what I need to hear. Time, distance and words are just not really needed.

I’ve said this earlier, life has been a roller coaster for me over the past 10 months now – ever since I met DJ. “Changes” is an understatement – marriage, new country – need I say more? And I have had significant phases of disappearing, of surfacing and disappearing again. Of not calling for weeks on end and picking up the phone and picking up from wherever it is that we left off. And I know that holds true for a lot of people in my life. Changes across friends, relationships and lives – yet somehow we all manage – without having to spell it out.

I guess we all have a lot to be grateful for, but today, I am just grateful for friends. Childhood friends who I don’t call for 3 months at times, but less than a minute into a conversation and we are discussing intricate details of each others lives that I know neither of us would talk to too many people about. Friends who have moved on but will catch me on gtalk and tell me just what I need to hear because they know I will not voice what I need to hear. Friends who have always been there – and am counting on – who send me sms’s saying “just tell me your ok” and friends who say “I know you need time and space but FYI, am right here”. Friends who have completely confused lives of their own but take the time out every 10 days to give me a quick call apologies for disappearing and then hang up 30 seconds later—its enough to show you care. New friends who came into my life in a new city, whom, I know I can call at any hour and will call me – to just give me a quick update and to just talk and vent, who have become my gal-pals in a new city.

From where I see it – I am one lucky girl. Thanks you guys – I know you all know who you are! :)

Hum of The Day
I have been fretting about the changes in my life, about having to move to unfamiliar territories. Today I know that thanks to my friends, I will always have familiar ground around – all I need is Gtalk, skype, email and a cell connection! I love technology!

You get busy, you move on and drift on into your own lives - that’s life. But to hold on in some way, to retain those relationships that gave you company across the years – that remains a choice.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Keeping It Simple Is Not Always Simple

I was tempted to start this blog(after a 2-3 month hiatus) with an explanation of sorts - about the silence and maybe a bit about how the past few months has been an emotional roller coaster ride – I got engaged and its long distance. But then I realised that the only 2 readers I think I have are my closest friends and hence need no explanations. Hence I’m going to jump right in.

There are a million things that go through my head each day. And yet when asked, these days I can rarely think of anything I want to share or say. It’s a strange sort of numbness that seems to have taken over me. And they say this is supposed to be the best phase of life- courtship. I have had a lot of time on my hands – work is mind numbingly slow- and somewhere it struck me recently how much time I spend thinking! How things are, how things can be, how they should be. The improbable, the ideal, the insane, the fantastical, the fairy tale, the completely practical - it’s all regularly evaluated in my head. And somewhere, I forget that life is about a state of mind- and somehow my mind is all cluttered. This blog is now my first step (again) towards the de-cluttering process.

I sound like someone who is facing a lot of issues, and that’s the weird part – my life is fairly simple. Complications come in the easy to handle form of a messed up career (other people don’t seem to see it that way but if I am unhappy call that messed up) and a relative lack of control on daily aspects of life such as – I want to get fit, I want to get rid of my tendency to fall ill, I want to learn to swim (I have started that process), dealing with separation anxiety (marriage of course!), growing up, taking responsibility for myself and partly for DJ (ok he says this bit is a two way street but it’s still scary). And all this together with a long -distance relationship, work that is boring the intelligence out of me (coz I have so little of it) and hence and empty mind – yeah that’s the recipe for disaster that is driving me crazy.

It’s crazy how much importance we attach to events that are yet to come. Somehow, those are expected to sort out all the gaps we felt this far. So I have spent so much time in the past thinking that somehow, when I have a partner, life will fall into place. Somewhere in my head, personal life and career and hence my whole life – was all interlinked. Ok, it still is. I know that’s a reality. But the weird part is, as much as I love my fiancé and as much happiness, security and stability he brings to my life, it’s really not the magic wand that can sort everything out. Yes, it has sorted out a lot of things – as GR told me today, I now have someone who is with me every step of the way – unconditionally – and that’s something that’s not easy to find. So, I am blessed. But…yes there is always that but!

Off-late I have heard of a lot of couples and marriages that are facing issues – some of people really close to me. And it’s taking a toll on me. I am beginning to re-assess what marriage means, the concept of independence, what it really takes to keep a relationship going and yes- how to manage expectations. I cannot seem to decide if the answer lies in trying to get the expectations met (from yourself as well as people in your life) or having no expectations and letting life always pleasantly surprise you. I have begun to implement the latter – yet somehow, it’s not bringing me much happiness. It’s making me cynical and pessimistic. Perhaps, idealism is not meant for me and I’m too human to be that strong. Perhaps it’s time to try something new.

We all have our emotional baggage that needs to be dealt with – and while someone can help ease the process – the clearance process can be done only on your own. Same goes for careers. You can get guidance, help and support – but you have to walk the path and take the steps and decisions yourself. And somewhere that scary thought is hitting me- and filling me with a strange numbness. That while I am no longer alone, I still need to be as strong, as independent and as capable of doing everything, of fighting all those battles – coz while the process may be a lot easier with someone holding my hand, dealing with it all is something only I can do.

Hum of the Day
At a recent Goa holiday, Kanwar said something which he heard that has stayed with me – “happiness is a state of mind and until one is happy with himself, looking for happiness is like hunting with your eyes blindfolded”. Profound, simple and true.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Playing God

I recently finished reading this book called “If God Was a Banker”. The title caught my eye and it also came recommended as a good read. After a long time, here is a book that I simultaneously wanted to and didn’t want to read.

For the uninitiated, it is a book about 2 guys who begin their careers together. One is a “Tam-Brahm” (TB) who has struggled against all the odds one can think of to educate himself and reach where he has. He exudes traditional middle-class hard working values and lives his life by very simple principals. He believes in intuition and will not do anything that’s against what he considers right. His expectations from life are not small; he just has the patience to wait and the grit to fight for his scruples. The other is a slightly full-of-himself (I’m trying to be kind) urban-bred Mr. Know-It-All (KIA) predictably without any scruples. He will do what he needs to get where he has to. He will give up his personal loyalty (to his wife as well) just to get ahead.

The book begins with this Mr.-Know-It-All and talks of some big event which ruined everything. It’s a fairly fast read that comfortably flits between the present and past. I found myself reasonably hooked and wanting to know what happened. To cut a long story short, Mr. KIA and TB, both are pedigreed IIM graduates who join a Global retail bank looking to set up base in India. They get a lucky break together to set up the business.

Predictably, they take different routes to get what they want. Mr. KIA quickly learns the joy of short-cuts and glib talking and the thrill of cheating and lying. Again, predictably, he “loses” in love when the girl he wants falls for someone he believes in unsuitably for society i.e. Mr. TB. He ends up marrying someone he has a fling with and thereafter goes on to continuously cheat on her. He leads double lives with such ease that I actually had goose bumps reading. The author makes it seem so simple – if this is even close to reality (which unfortunately it is), it’s as sad a situation as I could imagine. A wife at home waiting for you and expecting you to be honest and, without blinking an eye, to just lie through all the transgressions I can imagine. To do anything to get that promotion, to make your work you life and to be hedonistic to an extent that is shameful is probably the reality of corporate life but it’s far away from nice.

In contrast, Mr. TB marrying a nice girl who helps him to build the life he never imagined. He gets the career he wanted, he fights all odds and in the end – you got it right, he does triumph (remember the beginning where Mr. KIA had a mishap which makes his life fall apart – “shockingly: his sins catch up with him). It was really predictable but nice and eerie but real - a book of complete contrasts.

The God of the story is a well connected senior banker who is a balance between TB and KIA. He knows where to draw the lines and knows where to pull the strings. He has the answers and knows how to decide. Perhaps that’s what I liked about the book – simple balance and prudence is really the answer.

Hum of the Day
No one enjoys the complete journey, but somewhere we learn the tricks of the trade and we survive. We play the God to our own lives. Unfortunately, there is no rule book. We sort of have to write that ourselves as well.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Expect More

I saw 2 very disparate movies over the past few weeks. The first was Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi and the other Ghajini.

What can is say about a movie where the woman cannot recognize her husband just because he no longer has a dorky mustache and hairstyle and wears differently styled clothes? It was a light-hearted one-man show. The message they wanted to give out was simple enough – love must be honest, must surpass all sorts of boundaries (including those of logic), beliefs and has to necessarily be total in nature. That its ok to waver, its ok to like the flamboyant guy who makes you laugh and makes you have a good time but in the end, it’s the simple sweet one who would do anything for you in the world is the one who finally pulls at your heart strings.

I don’t think I will ever understand why this conception exists in the Indian mindset. There is nothing wrong with being aggressive, pushy and flamboyant. Just because someone is that way, is no reason to presume they will be a certain way. But we perpetuate these stereotypes all through our lives. The guy with the flashy sunglasses has to be obnoxious. The pretty well dressed girl must be snooty and therefore good to have fun with and nothing else. Walk into a room and you can feel people sizing you up based on the way you walk, talk eat, drink, dress – the list is endless. Yet, when you think about it, how many people who you know really well, have really lived out these perceptions. Often, the most flashy guy will be the most soft-hearted guy and make an awesome friend. The gorgeous woman with an air about her may be just shy or self conscious or may have that air to protect herself against people who judge her. The badly dressed guy with poor vocal skills may be a victim of a lack of exposure but may have the most intelligent thoughts. Every single person is a cocktail – it’s a mix that has to appeal. Somewhere, what we like to see on screen – is that the mix is completely perfect and universally acceptable. Even the most perfectly made margarita is not universally acceptable. You would expect more from people.

Ghajini – well it was weird on a whole different level. Well acted (a tad on the over-done side), a completely copied story line and misplaced (yet awesome) set of songs. While RNBD had someone who could not recognize stuff and use her head while she was completely in her senses, Ghajini had a person with severe amnesia, leading life with unexplained precision. No explanation as to how he begun to realize he had to live life that way. How he managed initially– and a host of other logical gaps- creative license is what its called I presume.

What struck me quite a bit again was the naïveté of the female lead. She can’t seem to see what evident to everyone around. Made me wonder – do we not like to see things just because they may be too unbelievable for us to digest? Its easier to presume ones own opinion to begin with still holds – because if we admit that things may not be what they seem or as easy as we like to believe, we may have to let go – and that’s never a pleasant or easy thought to live with. Another obvious observation – why is it that the women are the ones portrayed with the lowest level of logic? In both RBDN and Ghajini – inability to see the obvious seems to be a natural gift. When in reality, women usually have a reasonably good level of intuition and when dealing with people can often be at least (as much if not more) astute than is expected. So is expected the operative word?

Hum of the day:
Expectations form the basis of how we see life and things. It is recommended that for peace, renounce expectations. Do and don’t expect. Impracticality abounds a lot of our lives. To be human is to expect. To expect is to dream. And a life without dreams is mere existence.

The world will go around

After a long hiatus from writing, I am back to it. The past 2 months have seen the world around me go crazy in more than one way. I work in the line of finance, most of my friends are in a similar line of work and with the markets the way they are, doom abounds almost all conversation. But this is not specific to of finance professional because the world is an interconnected place. And this is a difficult time for everyone – especially for my generation i.e. people who entered the world of high-paying employment about 3-5 years ago. Because this is the blessed generation – or so we thought!

We began our careers with a silver spoon – institute, degree and caliber were compensated handsomely and perhaps more than was deserved. The market had more demand for our skilled manpower and hence sky-rocketing packages, mushrooming small businesses and a thriving consuming class. My colleagues and friends (and perhaps me as well) planned their lives assuming they would be able to live their dreams – and when the market kept growing and delivering – the dreams got bigger and the goals more ambitious. So assuming the salary would come in at the same level, assets were bought (often on loan), and deals were struck, personal decisions and life-plans were made. Then, one day, the euphoria was rudely punctured. We all saw the signs, most people knew trouble was brewing- but did anyone really anticipate this kind of a downturn – god knows!

Suddenly, the steady income was a problem. Suddenly those dreams looked further away or had to be put on hold with little hope of revival to that level. Our parents will say they have weathered these cycles, that was goes around comes around etc. But I somehow feel they lived in a slightly different world. The sheer quantum of money involved has inflated expectations to unimaginable level. So while a small house was enough to keep our parents happy, our generation dreams of the condo. While a fiat was an aspiration once, today, these material assets have taken a whole new proportion.

What is disturbing, however, is that the faith is diminishing. In a lot of urban circles, marriages are breaking, loneliness, poor health etc is relatively rampant and life is just not what it seems like it was for a generation before us. Somewhere, work-life and professional success has become a barometer for life in general. So now what happens in an environment where that barometer may not be available for so many? What happens to relationships, to life plans, to those dreams people had together or individually. Can they survive this downturn? Can they still be seen – maybe further ahead that’s all. Or will this mean going back to the drawing board – in life and work? Will it see relationships re-defined almost as much as pay-packages and work ethic? Will a generation that somewhere has got used to commanding and demanding, have to finally start really working, understanding and earning?

They say this recession will shake out the system, will consolidate and re-define towards more leaner, cautious and durable systems. Perhaps the recession will also take us back to a more grounded personal existence as well. Yes, this change is at a price, but I believe things happen when they are most needed. Maybe without this shakeout, no one would have even known they were in a mess. This could be a chance at re-evaluation and a honing of survival skills – only in a difference sort of jungle.

Hum of the day:
At times, love makes the world go around. At others, its money and somewhere it is also fear. But what makes the world survive at all is sheer faith. Faith that whatever it is that is making the world go around; the world will continue to go around. What’s lost will be found- as will the sheer will to look for it.