Because hoping is better than living without
Because dreams really do give you strength
Because if the evil eye is true, so is the power of prayer
Because peace is not a state of mind, it’s a way of life
Because that relief on another person’s face after they hear
what they desperately need to is sometimes worth the temporary lie
Because at least one shoulder to lean on needs to always be
your own
Because the million reasons not to are easily offset by one
reason to
Because distance created and communication broken leads to
silences that words can rarely fill
Because being in physical company of people tells you if your
body and soul can actually relax around them – because that’s what makes it a silence
worth filling no matter what
Because memories and the past can bind up to a point –
shared experiences, happiness and sorrow makes for blossoming relationships
Because sometimes fear of the unknown can take away
happiness of the known
Because happiness of the known can bring a smile and hope
that can melt away the fear
Because sometimes standing still is way better than moving
on – if you don’t stand and observe you won’t know where to move to or how
Because a deep breath really does center your body which
calms your mind – two seconds of diverting your mind to breath rather than
worry does really clear the air
Because desires and dreams are real we take a step forward
Because comparison is easy and perspective goes missing
Because our lack of control over a lot of events messes up
the mind
Because the thing you can control is your mind
Because forced laughter is more helpful than real sorrow
Because you can only move forward when you move
Because a view from the top is not always worth the effort –
but sometimes it is
Because what’s worth it and not is about what you gave up
Hum of the Day
There are a million reasons why truisms are true and another
million why they are no t. The side of the coin depends on the view you are
looking for.