Monday bloody Monday -the start of another week – the knowledge that there are 5 days in entirety to get through any respite (hopefully no work next weekend). I swear- every single Monday morning I wake up with positive intentions- new week, new day new promises. And somehow, by the time I get into my car and get past RTR Marg (that’s Delhi’s repartee to Saki Naka (sans the elephants and cranes) only Delhi actually has a reason for the chaos- a flyover construction) all I can think is- GOD 4 more days and 9 more 40 kilometer trips to office.
But today was different. I don’t know how. It was one of those days where well somehow I kept my promises. I stayed positive, I did not grumble, I took deep breaths etc. Odd to have a Monday like that
The oddities continued. A local radio channel (make that ALL) were having a rocking Himesh evening. So aap ka suroooooor was blaring almost everywhere. And THAT got me thinking. Himesh is successful- he is awful but he is successful. And he must have really tried before he reached here. Something would have kept him going. Look around at bollywood itself, movies like Apne, singers like Heemeis, actors –well what actors. And yet they move on. The same people keep making the movies, they keep singing the songs and somehow, once or twice they strike gold. And therein lies the answer. You only need to strike gold once to restore your faith. And that is what keeps the industry- any industry going. Belief. Belief that if you keep at it, if you keep trying somehow, it will work.
"Hum" of the day
This one is ode to all those that are persistent. Persistent about getting on the right side of the boss, about convincing that special someone that they are indeed special, about smiling because they don't want to be the cause of a frown. It is not easy. I remember my interpretation of a line from To Kill a Mockingbird " sometimes victory is not about winning- it is about knowing that you will probably lose. But going through it anyway just to prove that you can. And sometimes- you do."
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