Thursday, May 15, 2008

Count your smiles

Today i have no agenda. Just feel like writing so rambling is what its going to be.

Was thinking about this really bad movie i saw - you me aur hum. But more than the bad part i was thinking about the part of the movie i liked best - the concept of a book of possibilities. Its a really nice concept - to think in such detail about the positive possibilities of your life - sort of like a ready reckoner for the times when you are down. A not so gentle reminder of the dreams you have and the possibility that they might be fulfiled.But now that i think about it.. the bigger challenge can sometimes be knowing what those dreams are to begin with - to have it in you to actually document them. Because that becomes a sort of committment to yourself that you will try and achieve that.

As a small step, here goes a list of my happy things
1) Walking on wet grass on a warm summer night
2) Light early morning sun as a prelude to a hot day
3) Children running aimlessly in garden at 7 a.m
4) A good book, light music and a reading lamp
5) Couples out for their morning exercise together
6) Bru Cappuccinno Mocha as an alternative to office gunk
7) An unexpected shoulder in a time of need
8) A sudden thought from the gut that gives direction through a haze
9) Memories tucked away in little corners to make me smile
10) A glance at the picture on my mobile

Hum of the day
Count your smiles. It has a multiplier effect.


Gauri said...

To add to your list -
11) An unexpected call from a friend miles away
12)The feel of a soft cozy quilt
13)The warmth of an affectionate hug
14)A hot walnut brownie and ice cream from Theobroma - on simply any day
15)For me - a really podggy, playful and cute dog

Trust me the 'multiplier effect' is also highly infectious :)
Amen !!

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