Reason, season and lifetime -- an easy and yet complicated classification of people in our lives. When I think about it, its unbelievable how many people have touched my life, and how many of them have somehow become the fabric of my life. One of my favorite lines is that "friends are the family you choose" and well, I think I have been more than blessed with my family - of choice and otherwise.
The beauty of life is that, we can decide to increase the size of what we call a lifetime. Each city, each place, each office, each encounter, it all slowly adds up.
My childhood was in a very friendly building and the two friends I made then were with me at my wedding - one in spirit and one in person. When I left Calcutta, of all my friends, one special person remains one of my oldest and closest friends and one who the fact that I havent met her for over five years, is relativley unimportant when we talk. In Mumbai, I found a home again - friends who became family. But I moved away, and while some of those people become mere reasons and seasons, I have more than a few clear "lifetimes" in my life. In Delhi, I thought I would be just reasons and seasons, and life surprised me by introducing me to lifetimes - friends who I know will be there for me and most importantly, Delhi introduced me to MY lifetime - probably my closest friend and lifepartner - my husband.
I got married more than a year ago and more than two years ago my husband got added to my lifetime, and with him, so did a web of relationships. The concept of lifetime in this relationship is somehow an insufficient explaination of what the relationship is. The security, the ability to just "be" and to know that no matter what, something will always stay the same - becuase you both choose that it will be that way and because beneath it all is an inherent trust and friendship which is what makes any relationship endure a lifetime.
So today, I am just remembering all my lifetimes - my friends (including my husband) and the song I heard today, brought tears to my eyes. Love you all and I cant even say I am missing you -- because somewhere you are all with me, standing by me, just like I am for you
Hum of the day
Reasons and seasons can come and go, the beauty of life is choosing the lifetimes
Where is the "I Like" button to this one ? :) Loved reading this post relating to all your perspective through out.
BTW - I had no idea a song like this was every compiled ;)but liked it ....
Keep up the writing Piyu :)
Thanks G :)... looks like im gonna give some ppl severe competition in philosophizing ;) loving writing again... and this time ur blogs and ability to write through all that happens in life-- thats what re-kick-started me!
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