Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Work, Play and The Journey In Between

“Find work that feels like play”. Wise words by my latest “crush” – Richard Castle – Writer by vocation, detective my hobby/research requirement/love interests and father to a teenage girl. He is a deductive detective, an astute writer and has some keen observations on the human mind. Needless to say – for those who are uninitiated into his world – he is a fictional character on a tv series!

Me and the husband have been addicted to the show for a while now – the characters, the chemistry, the study of the human mind – murder mysteries is just a nice by-product. But what has really struck a chord with me is the passion that Castle has for what he does. The character eats sleeps and lives to write. He fights crime so he can write about it (and impress his “muse” of course). But he loves what he does. He wants to write. To make people get into the mind of his characters, to be real to understand the tiniest nuances of the human mind. That’s what writing is to me. That’s probably what I love about the series. A writer who loves story telling – and those can be mutually exclusive concepts.

I have always liked words and writing. Do I have a story in me I don’t know. But I dream that someday I will.  For now, I know that I enjoy observing people, I used to study body language and I used to wonder what makes the human mind tick. In a phase of life where I am figuring out what to do with myself given the limited life choices I have, this may be a good time to get back to basics – back to what I loved always – books, human behaviour and words.  So I am restarting my book blog, finding sites on human behaviour and hoping to blog more often. Baby steps but since I love all three who know where it could get me!

Hum of the Day
Maybe childhood is when we do what we love with the most passion. Maybe life gives us second chances to go back to what we love at our chore. Even if not as a vocation – getting back to what feels like play can only be an enjoyable experience.

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