Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The power to see

Unexpected surprises
Surprising decisions
Standing still
Increasing hesitation

A time to move
A time to stand
A decision to make
That helping hand

I look, I see,I wonder,
I search, I find, I gaze
Hold that thought for a bit longer
Treasure turns to haze

To see the sign to know not where
To want to know , a sign is there
The power to want, to believe it true
To wish a thought and dream it through

Words have a way of putting thoughts into perspective- because in order to describe it you have to think it through. Which is something we often have a tendency to avoid. We have a lot of thoughts but often the thinking is minimal. Its like a closet dumped on the way out to work. You know you can find what you need later, all you have to do is open the cupboard.

Life however, does not allow you to dump, pull out, pick out and dump back. Once opened, you need to sort out a thought. Which is where i see words as a way to add a perspective to the clutter. To sort of give it an order.

Therein lies an insight into myself - i need to control. I cannot deal with ambiguity. And when ambiguity comes my way, i constantly look for reasons or logic for the ambiguity. And that's not pleasant. Because life is about the uncertainty and about the wonder of turning the next corner. And by trying to control and predict whats around the bend, i think i forget to notice that its time to turn.

Hum of the day: A sign is only what I make it symbolise. So when i see a sign- its really hope.

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